When we left town it looked like it was supposed to be OK weather at home all weekend. And we were supposed to be sitting in rain down here athe entire time. Not how it worked out so much. Evidently is has rained most of the time at home, and we had a nice sunny afernoon bayside.
Lots of fishing this afternoon, several ice cream sammiches and a plate of flounder that would have fed the Prussian Cavalry. I ate it all by myself instead. But hey, it's my birfday, so I get to do what I want!
And now I want to go to bed.
13 years ago
Happy Birfday, Mike!
I am guessing that is not all you want...
Happy Birthday
Man, your getting older!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, you smell like a flounder , so go take a shower!!
I loves me some ice cream sammiches!!
Happy B-Day!
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