to the kitchen, and stored three eggs safely away in the refrigerator. Unlike yesterday.
For the record, we are up to 87 eggs and only 5 have been dropped on the kitchen floor.
13 years ago
Documenting the daily events of a former Stay-At-Home-Dad (now a Middle School Teacher), 2 Kids,
The Big White Dog, Little Boss Dog, and a flock of backyard chickens.
to the kitchen, and stored three eggs safely away in the refrigerator. Unlike yesterday.
For the record, we are up to 87 eggs and only 5 have been dropped on the kitchen floor.
Right on. Now you can eat clean scrambled eggs ;)
Seriously, what's up? You haven't dropped a single egg in the 16 years we've been together. 5 in a month? You're getting old. . .
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