Thursday, May 24, 2007

Who the heck gets summer vacation before the work even starts?

As I alluded to earlier today, I accepted a part time job today. The good news, it doesn't start until late August. The best news, The Princess will be there with me.

I have been commiserating with some of our neighbors about The Princess and how much she will miss having her playmate/brother around when Kindergarten starts in late August. Two of these women had the same situation in the past few years. Both enrolled the younger kids in a pre-school program about 5 miles from our house. The parents and the kids rave about the program and the facilities.

And unknown to me, these women are both on the board of directors of the school. They made some calls and the Talker and I went to an interview with the school director this morning. Turns out she is wanting someone to do woodworking projects and gardening with the kids. Sounds great to me. I'll also help out some in classes as a floating class assistant.

I let the director know that I am not currently interested in being in a class all the time. Sounds like they don't really need that anyways, so good on me. She also has reworked classes already to make a spot for The Princess, on the hope that I would say yes, I guess.

So The Princess attends 3 days a week for no cost, I get to play outside all day with tools and dirt. Also, work ends at 1:45 each day. Which means I can still get a quick nap in before The Talker gets home on the school bus. And I get paid.

How could I say no?


Anonymous said...

What a great deal for you (singular and plural). Nice arrangement to get your vacation first! Congrats.

jen said...

Congrats! How many days a week do you work? Only the days the Princess is there?

Mike said...

Yeah, we will be there M W and F on the weeks that The Talker is in school.

AND I get paid for the weeks that both schools are out for The Talker's Christmas break and Spring Break.

Terry said...

How absolutely perfect for you... I knew it could not be a REAL job, but a SAHs dream job....

Mike said...

The Boss says I must have a real job after the kids graduate from High School.

So here's hoping they flunk the state exams and never graduate!

Kidding. Just kidding. I kid.

They better graduate and get good jobs. 'Cause I want some payback during my retirement.

Angel said...

wooooohoooo!!! Good for you. The best of both worlds is hectic but rewarding. Good luck!

Leighton @ My Best Investments said...

What a deal! Nice work.

Anonymous said...

What a dream job!

AtHomeDaddy said...

Thanks guys. It really is going to make things hectic around here, but I think the change in our routine will be good for us all.

No more sitting around eating bon bons and watching Oprah for me!

Ginger said...

Wow! This really sounds like a dream job. You get to play and get paid for it, basically. And the added benefit of paid preschool.