I tried to entice her north with promises of seeing Interstate 35 from start to finish and with shopping trips to the Mall of America. Heck, I even promised that I would leave her alone and play with David for a couple a days. But The Hammer has spoken. We are driving to California this summer.
Lego Land tops the To Do list. Disneyland is a weaker possibility (mainly just so people won't think we are mean to our children for not taking them). Joshua Tree is right along our route, so that is almost a sure thing. Carlsbad Caverns are high on the To Do On the Road list.
The highlight of the trip will be July 4th on the beach with my Aunt and Uncle, long time misplaced Texans. Add in several days of just being tourists in Southern California and vacation is shaping up nicely. This is that mystical part of the trip where 3500+ miles in a car with kids sounds do-able, exciting and downright fun.
The Grand Canyon is really too far north to visit this time, but when are we going to be 10 hours from it again? So it makes the Might Do, but Probably Won't Do list. Also given a chance I would be seen standin' on a corner in Winslow Arizona. And if driving all the way up to Winslow, we might as well keep going, so I can light up some cigars in David's garage. It is only 1700 miles out of the way. after all.
13 years ago
Not only do we have the Mall of America for the BossLady (Trust me when I say it's for the BossLady and not for you), and the Lego Imagination Center for the Talker, but MOA has their own (pocketbook draining) American Girl Doll Store (LINK 1,
LINK 2) for The Princess, and Nickelodeon Universe for the whole AtHomeFam!
If that's not enough - we also have "Valley Fair" as a secondary amusement park attraction!
As "frosting on the cake".... I'd even clean out the third garage stall so MARGE had a place to stay!!
The only downside to coming up here for summer vacation??? Not getting to experience how truly wonderful (bitterly cold) a Minnesota Winter can get!!
Well, even though your vacation is Westerly instead of Northerly - I am sure you are bound to have a great time anyway, and we'll make it work another time!!
Don't forget to load up a few GeoCaches to hit along the way!!
Not only do we have the Mall of America for the BossLady (Trust me when I say it's for the BossLady and not for you), and the Lego Imagination Center for the Talker, but MOA has their own (pocketbook draining) American Girl Doll Store (LINK 1, LINK 2) for The Princess, and Nickelodeon Universe for the whole AtHomeFam!
If that's not enough - we also have "Valley Fair" as a secondary amusement park attraction!
As "frosting on the cake".... I'd even clean out the third garage stall so MARGE had a place to stay!!
The only downside to coming up here for summer vacation??? Not getting to experience how truly wonderful (bitterly cold) a Minnesota Winter can get!!
Well, even though your vacation is Westerly instead of Northerly - I am sure you are bound to have a great time anyway, and we'll make it work another time!!
Don't forget to load up a few GeoCaches to hit along the way!!
Oooo... I didn't notice till just now... but a stop in Roswell...
#2 of 3 would LOVE Roswell.. He is competely facinated with UFO's and Aliens....
Sounds pretty cool, gimme a ring, when your down there, whenever you are, i spend my weekends practically at disneyland now days cause its so hot, would love to meet a fellow board member, plus if we do see each other at disney land my annual pass could come of some use to you as i do get discounts so i can pass the savings onto ya all.
If you want I can also be your tour guide in so cal hence i live there, I know the feeling of being lost in a place where you know or dont know. IE indiana was that way with me, even though i found it to be much nicer than CA usually people wise.
just pm me on the dadstayshome.com board :)
Damian Crowley
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