Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oh cruel fates...

I robbed the garden of all the good stuff, tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeño peppers, onion and I even dug up my first ever garlic. Set to work and created a masterpiece of salsa goodness.

Finished it up, and then i realized we are out of tortilla chips. Dang. And this stuff smells gooooooooooooooood, too.

Locking the kids in the chicken coop and making a run to the grocery store. Back in 20.


The Father of Five said...

This stuff is made in.... New York City...


Get a rope!

Oh, wait... Pace is made in San Antonio...

Eh... Close enough!!


Boss Lady said...

Pace is NASTY! No one eats that swill...Boy, we gotta send you some hot sauce!

Anonymous said...

looks delicious... might have to try that now that we live in the country side... heheheh
even starting a veg patch! ;)
oh boy oh boy... :)

Anonymous said...

Urbanvox here... I'm not anonymous!!! :(
blogger's broken!!!