Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I highly recommend

Taking a cruise back though your own blog.

I was heading to bed two hours ago.  Then I decided to find something really quick that I knew was posted here, back in 2006.  Or was it 2005?

Anyways, I have just gotten lost in stories about my children as babies, long dead pets and many of our great times at home.  It made for a good night and I am sure it will all be worth it when I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too tired in the morning.


The Father of Five said...

I don't do that enough.

Thanks for the reminder!

Dobe said...

Me too. I have almost 440 posts (shocking!). THat's enough for a book even. One day, it'll make for an interesting look back into my life.

Oh my poor kids...

Mike said...

1830 posts here! There is a lot of ammo when the kids decide to have me sent to the home...