Can someone explain why The Boss Lady was startled by the sight of a tumor, when she was watching a show titled Face Eating Tumor on TLC?
Wouldn't you think she should realize that there was going to be a tumor sighting during that show? Well, she didn't.
And why, oh why, is this post of interest to every spammer who ever posted Blogger comments. I have now removed 10 comments tonight. Before this post, I have only ever had one or two spammy comments on the entire site.
13 years ago
Yeah, I had a similar experience with "The Man with No Face"...which was about a man with a snap on face because he had inhaled some bread mold and had to have his face scooped out. You just never REALLY expect know?
the spammers must be really bored, they've been hitting my blog too. As if any of my readers are going to want to buy their "products"...
Yeah, evidently I know a guy...
He can get you a good deal on V1agra, Colledge degrees or Fone Cardz...
I also had my blog hit by spam. Not the good kind that comes in a can and even bacon flavored.
I got excited about finally getting a comment, but found out otherwise.
Like this type of advertisment would generate any income. What are they thinking.
Hi! Just wanted you to know that you have a reader in Japan. Love your blog! Kim
It's not a tumor.
Spammers hit mine as well. I went to the setup for the blog, and changed it to require you copy the weird letters before you post to the blog.
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