Wide awake before sunrise. So I started cruising the net then I ended up in my own archives. So here are a few posts from the past that still make me smile:
Please Don't Shoot the Armadillos
The Voices I Hear
Did ya know?
The Talker Gone Wild
Breaking News - Awwww Sh*t!
One of my proudest moments
Is this really it?
How to Dismantle All Feelings of Youth
13 years ago
Was this kind of like your Greatest Hits recap??? Good references!!!
I know you love the Simpsons, but this was an even cheaper version of a cheesy clip show. Great choices! Crapity-Crap-Crap--timeless literature, I tell you what!
Just fell into your site, by way of another, by way of another... you get the idea.
Love it. Love it. Love-lovity-love it.
OK, I just wrote the word 'love' too many times for my own comfort. Now I feel weird. Sorry.
As an at home dad to be, I appreciate your candor and humor. But I'm also freaked out. Did you really get a Dora The Explorer song stuck in your head?
Oh God, help me.
aka spike's dad
Put a crow bar through the screen of your TV before Spike hits 2 and you should be OK.
Goodbye Metallica and Kenny G
Hello Wiggles and Dora songs on endless repeat in your cerebral cortex.
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