Monday marks a pretty big day around here. 5 years ago, on August 13, 2002 I quit my decent paying, supposedly low stress job to become a Stay at Home Dad to an 8 month old boy. He looked something like this on that day.OK, truth time. When we got up that next Monday morning, I helped the boy get dressed. Then he looked EXACTLY like this...
And since I already understood that it was important for mom to know that we had kept busy all day, I emailed her a few pictures that afternoon.
Since that day, a whole bunch of other stuff has happened. Lots of it involving a little sister. And we have tried to keep emailing The Boss Lady with some of the best scenes from our days. Here is the day The Princess' laugh made it's first appearance.
The girl has always known how to accessorize! And her clothes have usually matched...
Unlike Big Brother who has often gotten confused by the whole dressing thing. Takes after his old man, no?But the boy has always at least been able to sleep without needing further instructions on how to lay down on a bed... Yes, she did sleep that way. But she was asleep and there wasn't anyone here brave enough to move THAT sleeping baby...
Well, after 5 years I seem to have goofed 'em up pretty well. Just think what crazy crap they will be letting me photograph in another 5 years...
I have never stayed in a job for five full years. I usually have gotten bored after a couple of years and found something else to do. But as you can see, after 5 years, we still haven't run out of things to try around here. So I think I'll be keeping this job for a while longer.
13 years ago
Best job I've ever had. Congrats on making to five years and here's to many more!
It's actually pretty tough to lose a job like parenting. I mean the hours and the pay are bad but who else are they going to get to do it, right?
You know, come to think of it-you haven't stayed at a job for 5 years in a row. Maybe you better get those kids a good shrink! Look how much you messed up my thinking?
I woke up in that position recently, but I think there were a lot of Margaritas involved the night before!!
Well, I wouldn't say there were A LOT of margaritas involved, but...
"you haven't stayed at a job for 5 years in a row"
wait now... Have you?
but... I already did, didn't I... Oh well!!
Sorry, T, I meant that margaritas likely only played a small part in the girl's sleep habits back then...
Geez, iMike, I was talking about my sleep habits... Not your Princess!!
Hey, we only use the finest Pediatric organic free range margaritas around here.
None of that watered down store brand stuff for my Princess.
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