Stop me if you have heard this one before.
The Boss Lady took the kiddos with her to work today. I am supposed to go pick them up at 2PM. You would think I could have gotten a lot of things done around the house this morning, with 5 hours of no distractions. Right?
Did I mention that we bought a Wii game system last week?
The good news is my Tennis ranking is over 1300 now!
But my shoulder hurts.
13 years ago
my work around the house took a similar dip after I got my Xbox360...
I laughed hard at your post. My brother left his Wii at my house after last Thanksgiving for a few days. I can't tell you how many times I kissed my wife good night around 10:30 or so and headed down to the basement for a little bowling. 3+ hours later . . .
Wii is househusband crack.
This is EXACTLY why we don't have one of those. I would be the one sucked into it in a big way.
Your shoulder feel better or worse today?
Went over to the in-laws last night where one of their daughters and her husband are staying for a while. The husband has, on long-term loan somehow, his brother's Wii.
CareerMom's youngest daughter challened me to Tennis. She is apparently unbeaten in the family. I almost had her.
Man that thing is fun!
And...I knew exactly where that post was going...:)
The right arm feels like I have been hitting the gym a little too hard lately. But we know that didn't happen.
Next up, left handed tennis.
Ya know, I hear if you wear out your elbows on that Wii you can always use your toes and legs like a monkey.
I had a whole week without the kiddo... problem is I also have an x-Box 360... and had just bought Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and now GTA4...
Had LOADS to do... ask me how much of it got done...
yeap... that much! :)
I pulled a hamstring the first time ii experienced the awesomeness of Wii..
Dude, I could crush you in Wii tennis. I'm at like 1800 or something. It's just got me facing the same players every time, and it's not nearly as cool. I want them to make an expansion pack so I can expand my dominance.
It's my elbow that hurts more than my shoulder when I overdo it. You should move on to boxing if you want a good full-body workout without too much soreness all in one spot.
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