And evidently that day is today.
The Boss Lady and I were going to make a fairly quiet evening for our anniversary. Corvette neighbor offered up his cherry ride for the night, and The Boss Lady's friend was on board to hang out with the kiddos.
After we pushed it out of the garage and jump started the 'Vette...
I should have just stopped there, no?
The Corvette had not been driven since I played with it a couple of weeks ago. So I cruised around the neighborhood to make sure we had a good charge going. Then we tracked down a problem with a bad fuse in the turn signals. But we didn't stop there, either.
The Boss and I hit the road to go to one of our favorite old haunts. Hoover's has good eats. So good that I once saw my wife cry when she spilled a slice of chocolate pie that she had carried 6 blocks home. Well worth a drive across town.
The convertible top had to go up when we parked. Seemed only right since we had to park at the side of the cafe and it looked like rain. Now this car never sits outside. I have never seen the top up. Didn't even know what color it was.
Turns out that if the roof stays folded FOREVER, the seal around the back window wears out. So the roof would do nothing to deter crime or rain. So we decided to cruise. What else is there to do on a cloudy night in a Corvette with a top of questionable integrity?
We cruised town. And we ate dinner at a grocery store. Why a grocery store? Because they have a parking garage, silly! The food is good, too.
After our classy anniversary dinner, we cruised. But because a storm was looming still and that top still didn't look rain proof, we decided to head towards the house. Luckily, there are some new streets under construction nearby, so doughnuts were made in the street.
Yep, you can fishtail a borrowed 'Vette, even with the traction control on. Even if the convertible top is giving you trouble.
And even after 13 years of marriage, driving fast and doing doughnuts in a high powered car will still make your wife puke. Luckily, NOT in the borrowed Corvette, though.
In the end, it seems a fitting salute to our marriage. No matter what the skies look like, and no matter how much car trouble, we always seem to find some good laughs. Especially when the other one is barfing.
And if that is not true love, then show me what is....
13 years ago
True love is what you make it to comes in many forms, add laughter to that and it's priceless.
So, was it red?
Nah, the Corvette is gold colored.
The barf? Dunno didn't look.
"After we pushed it out of the garage and jump started the 'Vette..."
That sounds like something I would have said back in high school.
I KNEW I had heard that somewhere once before.
Or maybe twice.
Man, turning 40 is going to suck for you....
Congrats on the anniversary!!!
Come to think of it, I was at your wedding. Wow, it has been a long time!
happy aniversary!
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