If today's title makes you want to listen to banjo music and stick flashlights up you nose, then you worked at too many summer camps while you were in college.
Besides that, I guess a better title would have been Dual Naptimes, since this is a celebration of the fact that The Talker and The Princess are both napping at this moment. Lately she has been playing until a few minutes before he wakes up, so there has been little rest-time for AtHomeDaddy. Except that yesterday I rocked The Princess for so long trying to get her to take an early nap that my leg fell asleep. The phone rang and I tried to lay The Princess in the crib without waking her as I was running to get the phone. It would have been funny to see. Glad we don't have a NannyCam.
Boss Lady, we don't have a NannyCam, do we?
13 years ago
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