The first full week for The AtHomeTrio has been a success. We have started back on our routine of playing, trashing the house, running the roads and spending The Boss Lady's money.
Of course, the first mistake AtHomeDaddy made this morning was staying up half of the night reading old SAHD message boards. If you have ever heard my theory on SAHDs, then rest assured that I stand by my theory. If you don't know about the SAHD theory and it's corollaries, drop me an email an I'll fill you in.
This is a family place and some things just should not be said in public where The Queen Mother might hear.
We spent the morning at the neighborhood park, playing with several 5 yr olds who are excited to start school ASAP. It was funny listening to a neighbor girl explain the difference between preschool ("it's for babies") and big school ("It's for me").
Only 4 1/2 years and AtHomeDaddy will be out looking for a day job... I better get cracking on the resume'.
13 years ago
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