We thought The Princess had ANOTHER ear infection. This would have been the 3rd in a month and a half. So, The Boss Lady and The Princess spent the first half of the day sitting at the pediatrician's office. The good thing was that The Boss Lady was off and the appointment was already scheduled, so that The Princess could get her already-once-delayed-because-of-an-ear-infection nine month shots.
And after finding out her ears are in tip-top shape, the day went down hill quickly. For the last 48 hours, she has been running a fever at night. Since the ears are fine, our best guess was that it was caused by her new teeth. Turns out not to be teething pain, either.
Don't you feel the suspense?
Being such great parents, and excellent medical diagnosticians, it is hard to believe that we were, in fact, so far off. Her teething pain/ear infection? Urinary Tract Infection.
New antibiotics, another Dr's visit in ten days, and possible abdominal sonogram in the near future. What a nice bonding time for mommy and baby. Yeah, right. And the nine month shots? They will have to wait at least another couple of weeks.
Too bad The Talker and I were at the indoor playscape at the mall throughout the entire ordeal. But don't worry, we were not just wasting our time. We ate cookies and cruised The Disney Store , too.
13 years ago
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