Monday, April 03, 2006

All things considered

Letting the kids eat The Princess' left over birthday cake isn't that bad of a breakfast, right? Especially compared to the left over Krispy Kremes and Dr Pepper I just enjoyed for my morning meal.


Noir Muse said...

I think leftover cake is a perfectly good breakfast as long as it's paired with a good beverage. Cake and milk for the kids; coffee for the grownups.

Mike said...

Do you know that we have 2 coffee makers in this house, yet no one here drinks the stuff.

Wanna buy At HomeDaddy's Mr Coffee Maker?

$100. And I'll pay shipping. And autograph it for you. And send two open cans of coffee along, too.

One is decaf, the other is full strength from past grandparent visits.

Heck, I'll even get the grandparents to autograph the cans for an extra $20.