The AtHomeFam is hitting the road. But not for a while.
The Boss Lady and I have started talking about taking a trip this summer. Last summer we ran the roads in Texas. A camping trip at a state park and trips to all of the grandparent's houses kept us hopping for a couple of weeks. The Princess was only a couple of months old, so we did not get too adventurous.
This summer, we are planning a longer trip. Options currently being considered:
A week or more driving through the central and western US to see Mt Rushmore and anything else that catches our eye along the way. Then we could return via a different route, hitting 8 - 10 states in 3500 miles.
A road trip east, maybe towards Alabama, by way of Nashville. Got lots of new stories tell JB and Rick. Plus, we could return through Springfield MO, home of Bass Pro Shops. State count, 6 - 8, mileage, 2000.
Heading West. Gotta get the kids to DisneyLand before they are too old. But, we will probably wait a year or two for this road trip. No sense wasting a good Disney trip on a kid who is to young to remember it. States, 4, miles 3000.
Seeing as many minor league baseball games in ten days as possible, in as many different places as the Windstar will allow. State count, to be determined. Mileage to be determined.
Driving Interstate 35 north, to Duluth, Minnesota. Just to say we have driven the entire thing. We spend so much of our time traveling the 200 miles between home and Dallas, we might see where else the freeway goes. Plus, there has to be a Chick-Fil-A in the Mall of America, right?. States, 6-9. Mileage 2500+.
13 years ago
Alabama beckons you! You could visit the Space and Rocket Center here in Huntsville and have some BBQ while your here.
How about New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, Birmingham, Huntsville, Nashville, Memphis (more BBQ and Graceland), Little Rock, DFW, Waco, and Austin! Six States, nothing to see or do.
Right now that is the most likely trip. Got an air mattress?
I really want to make the drive to Mt Rushmore, because we have already driven through Tenn, Ill, Ind, Mo, La and Ok. But we may wait until the kids will remember the trip.
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