My Sansa m240 MP3 player survived a ride in the new clothes washer. After drying out overnight, it is playing fine this morning. The first time I tried to boot it up, it locked up. Thought it was gone, but I tried it later and it started up just fine.
So, if you plan on throwing your MP3 player in 40 gallons of warm soapy water, you could do worse than to buy a SanDisk player. Mine may not be as trendy or sexy as an iPod, but I bet your iPod could not even survive the gentle cycle. Plus, mine cost less than $100 and it is lemony fresh smelling now. Yours? I thought not.
By the way, can I borrow your iPod for about 45 minutes? I just want to check something on it.
13 years ago
hi, ahd! i'm back! and can borrow my ipod!
MP3 Player - 1
Washing Machine - 0
Thanks. It might be a little wet and smell like rainbows when I finish.
But I highly doubt that the wife will fold it for you when it comes out of the washer.
iPod + Washer = many small pieces of eletrical stuff hidden in all the clothing in the wash.
My daughter has washed her nano first generation and her new sansa e280. Nano took a little bit longer for the click wheel to recover but both units actually faired very well. Just let dry completely. (Front load washer-I doubt they would have both survived a top loader)
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