The Boss Lady is a big winner. Fitting, since life is all about balance and she married such a big loser.
Four years ago, we were out looking for a barbecue grill. I wanted the four burner model from Barbeques Galore. She wanted something much cheaper, from Target. While out shopping, The Boss Lady stopped to complete a bunch of entry forms for a grill give-away from a local radio station.
AtHomeDaddy is skeptical enough to never enter these things. I like my long distance carrier, I don't need more vinyl siding and I sure don't want more spam in my inbox! But dang it, she won the grill! A nice three burner model from Barbeques Galore! They handed over the grill that night, with no hassles, so everyone was happy. There is another chapter this part of the story, but I'll tell you later. Here is a hint. The grill is named Timmy.
Except that now she is addicted to entry forms. Any contest, any prize. Lots of personal info required? No problem. The Boss Lady'll enter your drawing for a garden full of deer attracting plants. Or for a solar powered baby wipe warmer. Or ANYTHING.
Dang it, she won again. While at a conference a while back. This time, she is getting an assortment of prizes. BUT, AtHomeDaddy has to sit through the company's sales pitch with her Wednesday night. Should be fun. The kids will be here, too since I don't want to try and find a babysitter that I trust on short notice. Plus I am sure the distraction will be welcome right in the middle of the big spiel.
So what are these people selling? Daycare center franchises! To us, people who won't leave their kids for a couple of hours with a baby sitter we have known less than 5 years. I bet they don't get any money out of us!
Good luck, salesman. You have your work cut out for you. And don't forget to bring any of our fabulous prizes!
13 years ago
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... I watched AtHomeDaddy, aka Imaginary Mike, light a grill in his back yard. The grilled nearly exploded and iMike lost all his facial hair including his eye lashes and eye brows.
Now I ask you, Do you really need a big ole BBQ grill with 3 burners? I am still afraid of fire and I was only a spectator.
I noticed your listening to a U2 tribute today. I suppose you are mentally preparing yourself to run out and fetch the new album tomorrow. Eh?
Wow, that was a long time ago. But they were some good burgers, right?
Just remember, OPEN THE LID before lighting the grill and you won't fry your soul-patch offa your face!
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