Thursday The AtHomeFamily met up with 85 members of Dad's family for our Thanksgiving Day Family Reunion. Good grub and a good time visiting with AtHomeDaddy's siblings, some cousins and great aunts. Lots of people that I still don't really understand how I am related to, but everyone was well behaved, no fights or public drukeness and we had LOTSA desserts and turkey. Good times! BURP!
Friday morning, The AtHomeFamily and Bro's Fam went downtown with The Queen Mother to watch the Aggie Corp of Cadets march into town for a butt-whoopin'. Good Times! WHOOP!
Friday evening, Bro and I spent at our grandmother's farm, trying to help The Queen Mother and her siblings clean and straighten years of stuff and clutter. We stunk afterwards, but it was a productive day. It is always a good day at the farm when you have three adults in the cab of the truck and four kids under six years old, a 7 month old baby and five adults in the bed of the truck going up to the catfish pond to feed the fish! Good Times! BUMPY!
While at the farm, The Boss Lady and I got to take a close look at my grandfather's 1968 Chevy Pickup truck. This truck holds the very best memories of my childhood visits to my grandparents. But, right now the truck is full of rust, junk and cattle feed. If my Uncle is not going to use it then I am hoping that we can try to get it running and looking okay again. Once home I spent most of the night cruising Chevy truck websites. Good Times! STINKY!
This morning, We headed back downtown, to the exact same spot, for another parade. Actually, this was why we came down yesterday, but we had the schedule mixed up, so we watched the Aggies, instead. Big balloons, cool hot-rods and TWO Santas! Good Times! WOW!
The AtHomeFamily is 3 days into a restful 4 day weekend and we have managed to get everything done, EXCEPT rest. Hopefully napping a'plently will be on the schedule for Sunday. Good Times! WORN OUT!
13 years ago
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