Yesterday the kids drove me up the freaking wall. They quit fighting with each other long enough to whine and scream in the car, but that did not help. We tried to run some errands. I wanted to let them burn off some energy at the park or at the Y. We did not even make it out of the neighborhood before they were hauled back home.
Today I think they are spending most of the day in neutral corners. They both have enough toys to entertain scores of children. Plus, we have to go to the grocery store and they really like the Wednesday YMCA playgroup. Hopefully they can behave enough that we can make it off our street.
Otherwise, they go up on eBay tonight.
13 years ago
Sorry... all full up here! But if they have to stay home... can I take their place at Disney? I promise not to eat much and I'll buy my own Mickey Ears...Huh? Please?
I would use Craig's List. Then you don't have to pay a fee and you can target your listing geographically.
The Hubs and I also joke about selling our kids when they get TOO out of hand. ARGH!
I am just patiently waiting for the BIG WHITE DOG to go on sell.....
You wanna baby sit him while we go to Disney?
YES Please. But I have to warn you.. You may never see Kodak again!! Bring him on!!!
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